Senin, 12 September 2016

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Ingredients :
Frozen Banana
Frozen Pineapple
Bok choy/ Pak Choy

Pumpkin Seed
Black Sesame Seed
Chia Seed
Dried Cranberry
Desiccated coconut

How To:
Rinse the bok choy (Pak choy) with clean water and drain, set aside.
Unfreeze the frozen banana and pineapple in a room temperature.
Peel and slice ginger, chop into smaller size.
Add bok choy (or any other type of veggies), frozen fruits, ginger and water.
Blitz until smooth texture, pour into a serving plate.
Add topping on top of the smoothie as desired.

Notes : Adding frozen banana and frozen pineapple give a sweet flavour without adding any artificial sweet like Honey or Maple Syrup. Another option is replace the water with Coconut Water to enhance the flavour with a load of nutrient

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

Green Smoothie Bowl

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