Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

Steamed Sweet Potato & Sweet Mung Bean

It' Sunday and its time to spent a relax time at home. Well it because i didnt go to church and wake up late. Not to mention, the habit of stay awake at night till 1 or 2 am just browsing or strolling on instagram. 

follow my instagram @foodie_by_michelle

I steam some sweet potato with the skin! And my Mom cook a sweet mung bean soup with ginger and palm sugar. I also have some leftover of BokChoy just the stem, because i use the leaf for green smoothie. I tried once add the stem as well into my smoothie and it turn not really good as i expected. Because the stem itself taste bland and i prefer eat it alone boiled ot steamed with other kind of veggie like Edamame, Carrot, Green Bean , Tofu, Hard Boiled Egg, Tempeh, Tomato or other type that available on that moment. 

I believe there must be a balance of living, while we eat a fancy food (not healthy) like i did on last night wedding party banquet food, then what can i do on the next day is eat the real whole food which is come from the nature or basically we can say its a plant based whole diet. Like this super simple steame sweet potato and sweet mung bean soup. Well when i eat the sweet potato it taste naturally sweet without any additional artifial sweetener. But when my mom eat the sweet potato, she say it taste not sweet as she ate yesterday, well it simply because she just ate the sweet mung bean soup which is has a lot of artificial sweetener from Granulated White Sugar (or maybe refinery sugar). Though the mung bean is sweetened with palm sugar and also white sugar, it still has that kind of 'chemical' ingredients in general. Well it depends on how you see from your prespective, how we life is reflect on how healthy is your body. What come from nature is much more healthier than what a man can create

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