Kamis, 18 Juni 2015

Engs Corner & Es Krim Gentong

I have been craving for this delicious Indonesian Food name Gado-Gado Siram from Eng's Corner for a few days, and i nailed it. This dish may look plain and not so interesting. But don't judge by the cover, it taste different with usual Gado - Gado with peanut sauce. They give it a twist by adding a "Secret Ingredients" that give a slightly Special Taste. For me this dish is Comfort Food and sort of healthy food. Actually this dish are very easy to make at home, you only need fried Tofu (slice into cubes), hard boiled egg, Potato, Lettuce, Sweet Corn, Crackers (Emping, Kerupuk) with Peanut Sauce. I only need less than 10 minutes to devour this yummy Gado-Gado Siram.

Gado - Gado Siram

Bahan-bahan/bumbu-bumbu :
350 gram kentang, rebus, goreng, potong-potong
350 gram tahu putih 
350 gram tempe 
7 lembar daun selada, sobek-sobek
2 buah ketimun, iris tipis
100 gram taoge, rebus
200 gram kol, iris kasar, rebus
minyak untuk menggoreng 

Bahan Perendam Tahu Tempe (aduk Rata):
3 siung bawang putih, haluskan
1 sendok teh ketumbar bubuk 
1 sendok teh garam 
200 ml air 

Bahan Saus:
200 gram kacang tanah kulit, goreng, haluskan
3 lembar daun jeruk, buang tulang daunnya
1 sendok makan kecap manis 
1 sendok teh garam 
3 sendok teh gula merah, sisir halus
600 ml santan dari 1/4 butir kelapa 
3 1/2 sendok teh air asam, jawa dari 1 sendok teh asam jawa dan 2 sendok makan air, larutkan
2 sendok makan minyak untuk menumis 

Bumbu Halus:
5 buah cabai merah besar, buang bijinya
3 buah cabai merah keriting 
5 cm kencur 
4 siung bawang putih 
1/2 sendok teh terasi goreng 

Bahan Pelengkap:
3 sendok makan bawang merah goreng untuk taburan 
100 gram kerupuk kanji 
100 gram emping goreng 
2 buah tomat, iris-iris
4 butir telur rebus, potong-potong

Gado - Gado Siram

Gado - Gado Siram

Nasi Timbel Ayam Bakar

Nasi Timbel Ayam Goreng

Nasi Timbel Ayam Goreng
Engs Corner Menu
After we had our dinner, my brother want to get a hair cut. So we went to Pluit Village. It took quite long time to wait, so i buy an ice cream from Eat & Eat, Food Court. First i have to buy a card with minimum cash Idr 20.000 and the change can be return once we paid. The one Scoop ice cream cost Idr 15.000 with one flavour. They offer wide range of flavour like Avocado, Vanilla, Jackfruit, Green Tea, Cookies & Cream, Chocolate. I tried Avocado and Green Tea as a tester, personally i don't really like it, not as i am expected to be a Green Tea, not that strong and quite bland. I prefer Chocolate Flavour, and it come together with Chocolate Sauce and Grounded Peanut for Topping. I will Rate this ice cream 5/10, Sour Sally Yogurt with Lykone are taste so much better and of course more expensive than Gentong Ice Cream.

Kedai Gentong Ice Cream

Chocolate Ice Cream

Ice Cream 

Avocado, Vanilla, Jackfruit and Chocolate Flavour

Chocolate Ice Cream with Choco Sauce & Peanut on Top

Eat & Eat, Pluit Village

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