Selasa, 26 Mei 2015

Chinese Goji Berry ( Wolf Berries )

Chinese Goji Berry ( Wolf Berries )

Wolfberry mengandung polyunsaturated fats seperti Linoleic (Omega-6) dan Linolenic (Omega-3). Selain itu mengandung sedikitnya 11 mineral essential dan 22 mineral lainnya, vitamin dan 18 jenis Asam Amino.

Mencegah Penyakit Jantung
Mencegah Peradangan Paru-Paru
Mencegah Kencing Manis
Memperlambat Degenerasi Penglihatan Sumber Antioksidan

Cara Pemakaian:
Sangat Bermanfaat Apabila Dikonsumsi Langsung. Dapat Juga Ditambahkan ke dalam Sup, Oats, Smoothies atau Chinese Herbal Dessert.

Chinese Goji Berry ( Wolf Berries )

Chinese Goji Berry ( Wolf Berries )

Chinese Goji Berry ( Wolf Berries )

Chinese Goji Berry ( Wolf Berries )

Ps : i tried to add Goji Berry into my Smoothie and keep cold on the fridge. On the next morning, when i drink, it bloated and become puffy. Just like Chia Seed, when you soaked for over 30 minutes, the water is absorbed and the dried Goji Berry Become sweet and fluffy. Usually Goji Berry are used in Herbal Chicken Soup with other Chinese Herbal as well

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