Senin, 25 Mei 2015

Green Smoothie (Chinese Cabbage + Pinapple + Banana + Broccoli + Coconut Water)

Last night i has conversation with my friend, and i told him that i have my new eating style. It is called EAT CLEAN. Not only consume superfood like chia seed, goji berry, quinoa and etc, the term of Eat Clean also include PlantsBased WholeFoods that growth from soil and nurtured with natural composed not chemical. More likely as fruits, vegetables, cassava, sweet potato, yam, etc.

One of the most popular is Green Smoothies. People who pledge to have diet or detox, they drink Green Smoothies for breakfast, even they drink it also for lunch and dinner (not consumed any other food beside smoothies). It cleanse your bowel and digest system, it can last for a few days or a week or even a month, depend on how you can handle the tempting of Junk Food out there like pizza, burger, sushi, fried foods, steak, pasta, dessert (cake, ice cream, chocolate, etc). I sometimes have to admit, that i find it hard to resist on those temptations.

Today i force myself to make a very berry simple Green Smoothies with only five ingredients.
Green Leafes (i use Caisim)
Broccoli (left over from my mom, it is boiled already)
Coconout Water

Goji Berry
Chia Seed

How to:
Rinse and clean the green leaves and remove the stem. I rinse once again with hot water to remove the bacteria.
Slice the pineapple into smaller pieces and wash with clean water.
Get a blender, add the green leaves, pineapple, banana, broccoli and pour out the coconut water.
Blend until well combined. No need to add sugar or honey.
Garnish with Goji Berry and Black Chia Seed

Ps. I bought the coconut water from street food vendor (Pedagang kaki lima/gerobak) and i request to take away the meat, and only buy the water. It is cheap, only Idr 3.000 for a plastic bag of fresh coconut water. 

The reason i replace plain water to Coconut Water, because :
Give more flavour
Good for digestive & urinary health
Regulated Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and Cholesterol
It Slow Down Ageing
Almost good as blood transfusion
It is better than any Sport Drink
Boasts zinc, selenium, iodine, sulfur, manganese, boron, molybdenum, ascorbic acid and B-group vitamin
Helps to Prevent Heart Attack
Fights Free Radicals to Help Prevent Cancer
Contains trans-zeatin which can be used to treat Alzheimer's Disease or Dementia

Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

Green Smoothies

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