Senin, 18 Mei 2015

Chia Seed Pudding + Overnight Oats + Banana Strawberry Almond and Dried Cranberry

I always try to pack my own lunch at office. Because it is quite hard to find good clean healthy food around my work place. There are only some street food like chicken noodle, Soto Ayam, Nasi Padang, Nasi Warteg, Gado2 Gerobak, Indomie. The most i afraid is how they preoare the food, how the quality of the ingredients, did they wash the cooking tooks properly and how they display the food is contaminated with dust from the street. Although i am not a vegetarian. I still consume some meats, but not everyday (trying to make it less each day), egg, milk, yoghurt and cheese. I am not a big fan of pork or beef or any red meat. I prefer vegetables and fruits. I love how people maintain their meal with plants based wholefoods for very long term like years, maybe 5 years and many more. They are so healthy and keep fit. While i am still on and off and indulge myself with non plantsbased food is somehow gulity. Likewise my mom always cook meal at home for dinner and she persuade me to eat those food taht contains a lot of fat and oil especially salt. If i am not eat, she will think i am not appreciate her cooking, so i eat a little of sautee vegetable that she cooked, but i skipped the beef meatball from Bakso Lestari. I find it hard to keep being healthy while your surrounding are non healthy concern people. Well i am not blaming them, i just need undertanding and support and dont force me to eat thise stuff i hate. I am not trying to hide from social life, so i can be more healthy or maybe some of my friend thinking i was pretend ot i saving my money $$$ well well well... Whatever they talk behind me is not my bussiness anymore and i wont judge anyone as they judge me. They are sometime are too caring about my life.. But thanks anyway, i feel so sympathy for you guys.

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